TOP Opportunities

Supported Employment Tailored to Individual Needs

A TOPOP member washes dishes in a professional kitchen
A man smiles sitting behind a desk with a phone
A man holds up a certificate of achievement in an office

Click here for Green Keepers, our social enterprise specializing in street sanitation and horticulture

TOP Opportunities (TOPOP) helps people who face multiple obstacles to employment get the individualized support they need to find and keep jobs, using an evidence-based practice called Individual Placement and Support (IPS). This is a highly effective practice tailored to individual interests, strengths and challenges. It offers intensive support on- and off-site and as requested by the working member. TOPOP career counselors work with individuals to assess their skills and interests and identify potential employment opportunities that would be a good fit. We also offer individualized benefits counseling and advise to maximize the use of Social Security work incentives and minimize the impact of earned income on benefits. 

TOPOP members have worked as front-desk clerks in residential buildings, mail-room clerks and messengers at a midtown law firm, street sanitation crews for a local business improvement district and reception and office assistants at various community-based organizations.

TOPOP also offers maintenance, messenger and food-service internships at several Goddard Riverside programs.

On average, 80 percent of participants maintain employment for more than one year.

Interested in hiring a dedicated, enthusiastic employee? Please contact us at right; we are always interested in talking to potential new partners.


Deborah Kaplan

Director of Employment and Rehabilitation Programs

646-505-1088 ext. 2601

61 West 87th Street, Basement

New York, NY 10024