Summer Camps

Goddard Riverside’s Summer Day Camps provide fun, enriching activities for children in July and August

A little girl smiling sitting on a fake rock with a little boy and girl standing and smiling in front of her.
A group of children and staff enjoying the Madame Tussauds museum.
A group of children and staff member smiling together.

Kindergarten-6th Grade

Goddard Riverside’s Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center’s summer camp serves young people entering kindergarten through seventh grade, offering activities and trips that nurture a love of learning and promote positive peer interactions. The program collaborates with local arts organizations and utilizes the rich resources of the area, including nearby parks and museums. 

The summer camp’s indoor activities include art, STEM, physical activity, talent shows, weekly group challenges, and more. Each summer, the camp introduces a different theme for its group challenges. Last year’s theme was ‘Technology.’ Children collaborated within their groups to tackle challenges through brainstorming and teamwork. 

Enrollment is still open for our summer camp! Secure a spot for your child by completing an application and emailing it to us at

Camp will run from Monday, July 1, 2024 – Friday, August 16, 2024. 

LSNC Summer Camp

Tamika Gayle, Director

Aaron Colbert, Youth Coordinator


Goddard Riverside’s Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center

250 West 65th Street

New York, NY 10023

Kindergarten-Eighth Grade

The Summer Day Camp at Beacon @ MS258 serves youth who are currently in kindergarten through eighth grade. The camp is part of the Summer Rising initiative in collaboration with the NYC Public Schools and DYCD. Morning activities are Education Enrichment led by NYCPS Teachers. Afternoon enrichment activities led by Camp Staff include SEL, STEM, Creative Arts, Recreation, Project Based Learning, and Field Trips.

Registration begins on Tuesday, March 4.

Camp will run from Tuesday, July 2, 2025 – Thursday, August 14, 2025  

Registration Information – Summer Rising

Registration is only available through the MySchools website, not directly through our program. Direct any questions to Summer Rising to

To apply visit and create an account if you don’t already have one. Add your child to your account with their 9-digit student ID number and MySchools account creation code (available from your school or a Family Welcome Center or emailing If you have an account and used MySchools before, your child may already be added to your account. You will have the option to add siblings. Lastly, select your program locations.

The more programs you select, the more likely you’ll get into any Summer Rising program across New York City. Arrange your programs by order of preference—if we are your first choice, place us first. You’ll receive an application confirmation and you’ll be notified of which Summer Rising program you’ve been accepted to via email through the application website.

Beacon Program

Roy Baptiste,



154 West 93rd Street

New York, NY 10025