Psychiatric Treatment and Intensive Case Management for Adults with Severe Mental Illness

The Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team provides psychiatric treatment and intensive case management for adults with severe mental illness. The ACT Team serves all of Manhattan.
ACT is a unique and nontraditional licensed outpatient psychiatric clinic for individuals who have demonstrated a high service need with multiple hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and difficulty maintaining stability in the community. ACT is a nationally recognized model and an evidence-based practice.
If you want to refer someone to the Goddard ACT Team or another ACT Team, please visit this website for more information.
Instead of a one-size-fits-all treatment plan, ACT uses a flexible approach. We are committed to the principle that people living with mental illness should be treated with respect and that effective, lasting treatment takes place in a community context, not in a hospital or office.
Goddard Riverside’s team includes psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, and case managers. We provide hands-on assistance to clients in their homes and neighborhoods. The team’s integrated approach has proved effective in helping clients achieve stability, remain in their homes, reunite with their families, and when necessary, secure permanent housing.
- psychiatric treatment
- medication monitoring
- crisis intervention
- supportive counseling
- assistance with everyday living needs
- access to medical care
- psychoeducational supports
- employment assistance
- housing support
- family counseling and psychoeducation
140 West 140th Street
New York, NY 10030