Our Programs & Cause Areas

Our two dozen-plus programs help more than 20,000 people each year achieve their goals—including learning to read, learning to dance, growing up, aging in the community, staying healthy, getting housed, advocating for themselves and others, and connecting with neighbors.

We group our programs into six Cause Areas that share a common focus.

kids gathered in park

This cause area is focused on supporting children and youth to thrive, contribute positively, and be prepared for the next stages in their lives.

A group photo of newly accepted college students from the Options program. Wearing college sweatshirts and smiling.

Supporting Self-Sufficiency & Financial Independence

This cause area is focused on helping young adults secure education and employment opportunities toward meaningful career pathways.

older woman smiling with earrings

This cause area is focused on supporting older adults to experience an optimal quality of life.

Goddard Riverside greenkeepers

This cause area is focused on helping each person maximize their individual abilities to reach their fullest potential.​

older man standing in doorway

This cause area is focused on ensuring that New Yorkers in need have stable and affordable housing.​

dancing girls

This cause area is focused on working to help families and communities be self-directed and thriving.​