Goddard Gold is a speaker series presented by Goddard Riverside to bring people together and support Goddard programs and services. These invitation-only cocktail receptions and discussions will take place at private clubs in Manhattan. Join leaders in the financial, real estate and insurance sectors to meet and mingle, to hear from innovative groundbreakers, and to solidify civic engagement.
Goddard Gold 2022
Thank you to all who sponsored and attend our 3rd Annual Goddard Gold! Watch Christopher Auguste, Goddard Board President, moderated the discussion with Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate, New York Times columnist, and distinguished Professor at CUNY.
Our 3rd Annual Goddard Gold event will take place on October 11 at 6:30 PM featuring Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate, New York Times columnist, and distinguished Professor at CUNY. Attendees will enjoy a conversation and Q&A with Mr. Krugman about the future of the economy.
About the Speaker
Paul Krugman is best known to the general public as Opinion Columnist for The New York Times, a position he’s held since 2000.
In his academic life, Krugman is Distinguished Professor in Economics at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center and a core faculty member at the Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality
Krugman was the sole recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2008 for his work on international trade theory and the geographic distribution of economic activity.
In addition to the Nobel, in 1991 Krugman received the John Bates Clark Medal from the American Economic Association, an award given every two years to a top economist under the age of 40. The King of Spain presented him with the Asturias Award in 2004, considered the European Pulitzer Prize.
Krugman is Professor Emeritus of Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School, from which he retired in 2015. He has served on the faculties of MIT, Yale and Stanford. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and a member of the Group of Thirty. He has served as a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, as well as to foreign countries including Japan, Portugal and the Philippines.
He has been a contributor to ABC-TV’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos and appears on Bloomberg Television, Business Insider, NPR and CNN, to name just a few.
Author of 27 books and over 200 published professional articles, Krugman has written for non-economists as well. Before joining the staff of The New York Times, his work appeared in Fortune, Slate, Harvard Business Review, Foreign Policy, The New Republic and Newsweek.
Krugman’s approach to economics is reaching a new generation of college students. He and his wife Robin Wells have coauthored college textbooks on Micro and Macroeconomics that rank in the top-selling economics textbooks used in American colleges today.
Krugman first got to know Goddard Riverside through a colleague at the Times and was involved off and on for several years. He served as a judge for our Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice from its inception in 2017 until 2021.
In 2019 he visited our Options Center where he sat in a circle with students, answering questions about his role as a journalist and listening to their concerns about college debt. Options embodies the goal running through all of Goddard’s programs: to empower people to lift themselves from poverty and reach their full potential. Krugman said this about his visit, “Visiting Goddard Riverside has been wildly encouraging. It makes me feel better about the future.”

Chris Auguste & Varuni Nelson
Ashley Higgins Dieck & Christopher Dieck
Joshusa Marwell & Chitra Boppardikar
J.P. Leventhal
Lee & Ray Wareham
Marcia Bystryn
Eitan Tabak
Mutual of America
Stefan Brundobler