A Unified Citywide Vision for Higher Education

#DegreesNYC is a data-informed collective impact movement co-led by young people and education professionals to move to equity in education in New York City. “We envision a New York City where all young people get the education they need to succeed and where young people’s contributions to our economy, communities and city are recognized and honored.”
We envision a New York City where all young people get the education they need to succeed and where young people’s contributions to our economy, communities and city are recognized and honored.
In our mission to attain equity, #DegreesNYC works to ensure that systems that impact young people are accessible, inclusive, and just.
For the #DegreesNYC Community, ACCESSIBLE means a New York City where all young people have sufficient food, stable housing, and reliable affordable transportation, where they have access to appropriate study spaces, computers, internet, academic support and mental health supports, where they have information and pathways that lead to and prepare them for higher education, employment, and active civic engagement.
INCLUSIVE means a city where all young people feel they belong in school. They feel safe – emotionally and physically. They feel respected and celebrated. They feel their activities and contributions have meaning and that what they offer is valued. They see themselves reflected in the people in roles of authority and experience their concerns being taken seriously.
And JUST means we envision a city where young people are invited to help lead and make decisions on the issues that affect them, where restorative justice and participatory decision-making practices are widespread, and where the government and the entire community invests in and is held accountable for educating and supporting young people equitably.
Learn more about the #DegreesNYC community and equity movement on the #DegreesNYC website.