Our Newest Transitional Residence, The Monument 

In keeping with our longstanding mission to preserve Single Room Occupancy buildings as affordable housing, Goddard Riverside is opening transitional housing for asylum-seekers and New Yorkers at risk of homelessness in a former SRO on the Upper West Side. 

The location will be what Mayor Adams’ administration calls an Emergency Capacity Site for Adult Families. The residents will be adult couples or a single parent with an adult child. They’ll be housed two per room in 110 rooms. There are also 21 permanent tenants who will continue living there. 

The building is tentatively set to open on February 1. Occupancy will ramp up gradually. New tenants will be selected by the city’s Department of Homeless Services.

This will be Goddard Riverside’s third residence on the UWS and its fifth in Manhattan, in addition to two existing Emergency Capacity Sites in Queens.  

“We have a long history of being good neighbor and working closely with the community, particularly here on the Upper West Side where we’ve been headquartered since 1959,” said Jones. “We intend to continue.”