First thing in the morning, before many arrive and even some awake, these paths are cleared, salted and readied for those who begin their days at Goddard Riverside Community Center. To some, this may look like just a walkway, but for the maintenance and management team at Goddard, it represents commitment to our community. In the last few weeks, the snow and ice has challenged mobility and has made it difficult for members of our Senior Center and residents of Phelps House to come and go safely.
For building manager Sabrina Lora and her team, prioritizing the walkways and entrances is an immediate must. “It’s no question that this is something we take seriously,” Sabrina said. “We institute a plan of action to make sure that everyone is safe – our residents, our staff and even those who pass us in the community.” Sabrina says that during the worst of the storms this year, her maintenance team stayed on site overnight and rotated in shifts to ensure that the snow was removed.