In the News

I Love the Upper West Side Profiles the Green Keepers

Why does Goddard Riverside have a horticultural and sanitation business? And how did Leslie Ware go from driving a florists truck to helping people re-enter the workforce? Find out all that and more in this lovely story from the I Love the Upper West Side blog. Read it here.

NY1 and UWS Websites Feature our Letters to Older Adults

As part of its Around the Boroughs segment, NY1 talked with Beth Dunphe, our director of development, about the beautiful letters and notes volunteers are writing to older adults sheltering in place on the Upper West Side during the COVID-19 pandemic. The West Side Rag and I Love the Upper West Side also covered this […]

City Limits Goes Out on Rounds with our Homeless Outreach Team

“Every conversation looks different. Sometimes we don’t talk about services because they don’t want services. So we just build a friendly relationship with them.” In a story for the City Limits news site, reporter Ahmed Jallow walks the streets of Chinatown and the Bowery with our Homeless Outreach specialists and also does a great job of […]

CBS NY Captures our Thanksgiving Spirit

Scott Rapoport of CBS 2 made a return visit to our Thanksgiving meal and once again did a great job of showing what makes this gathering so special. See our volunteers, guests and executive director enjoying the day together. Watch the Story

A Q&A with Upper West Sider Paul Krugman in the West Side Rag

Get you Gala tickets here! The West Side Rag has a great profile of our Gala honoree, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman! The conversation ranges from the legacy of Robert Moses, to why Krugman lives on the UWS, to the controversy over super-tall buildings. Krugman also talks about why he […]

PIX 11 Does a Lovely Story on the Green Keepers

PIX 11 sent a TV crew to catch up with the Green Keepers while they tended to plants on the Broadway Malls. They spoke with some of the Green Keepers as well as Goddard Riverside staff about overcoming barriers to work and the life-changing power of having a job. Watch the story here. 

The West Side Rag and The Real Deal Cover our Work in Housing, Volunteering

How do people get involved in volunteering, and why? This lovely story from the West Side Spirit quotes longtime Goddard volunteer Beth Puffer and our former volunteer coordinator, Crystal Walker. Few reporters have covered the fortunes of New York’s dwindling Single Room Occupany (SRO) residences as tenaciously as the Rag’s Joy Bergmann. She quoted Executive […]

West Side Spirit Covers Learning to Work, our Newest Program

Sometimes students need a non-traditional path to high school graduation, writes Meredith Kurz in the West Side Spirit.  “I was one of those “off course” kids. From age 16 to 22 my mind was on hiatus,” she explains, adding the she “could have used” a program like Learning to Work “to help me wade through […]

NY Daily News Highlights Terrible Living Conditions our Law Project is Fighting

Nobody should have to use their cellphone flashlight to get around their apartment – but Upper West Side tenant Chrystalia Matthias has been forced to do that for years by a landlord who refuses to fix her lights and electricity. The New York Daily News featured the plight of Matthias and her neighbor in a two-page […]