Goddard Riverside’s festive fall gatherings are going forward — but they’ll look a little different this year due to COVID-19.
As usual, the Annual Gala leads the way. Instead of one night, this year’s Gala will fill five consecutive Thursday evenings in October. Each of these online events will feature a different thought leader on a different topic under the theme Social Justice Never Sleeps. Confirmed speakers include legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and pandemic expert Irwin Redlener. Stay tuned for schedule and ticketing information!
“The Gala is a fundraiser but it’s also about bringing people together and celebrating new ideas,” said Deputy Executive Director for Resource Development and Engagement Beth Dunphe. “We decided to break it down into multiple events to give each of them its own space. This also means each event will be shorter and snappier, because we know Zoom Fatigue is real!”
We’re working to bring you a reimagined Book Fair, too. It will be in its usual timeframe, just before Thanksgiving, but will be online-only and may feature both digital and print books. We’ll kick things off with an online Book Bash featuring special deals and branded items.
Our annual Holiday Meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas will continue to offer a full plate of holiday cheer, but they’ll be available for pickup or delivery only to keep everyone safe.
“Save the dates: Every Thursday night in October, plus the weekend before Thanksgiving, and our usual Holiday Meals.” said Dunphe. “We hope to see you there!”