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Every year, Goddard donors like you change the lives of over 20,000 people. 

A photo strip of a young girl, older woman, young adult woman and man.

Tania* was born into the foster care system, but she still had a dream of going to college. With the help of the Options Center and donors like you, she is now at Fordham University. 

Marcus* became homeless just over a year ago. With the help of our homeless outreach team and donors like you, he was placed in an apartment. He was so happy he cried. 

Anna* had concerns about passing geometry class. With the help of one of our tutors and donors like you, she was able to make a B+ and was able to go to camp instead of summer school. 

Larisa* had a stroke, and now needs to acquire a home aide. With the help of one of our social workers, she is in the process of applying for home care hours and has someone to check on her.  

Show your support and help those like Tania, Marcus, Anna, and Larisa with a donation to Goddard Riverside. 

*Names have been changed & images used are not associated with our program participants for privacy.