Loans |
Financial Aid Loan Calculator |
This Loan Payment Calculator computes an estimate of the size of your monthly loan payments and the annual salary required to manage them without too much financial difficulty. This loan calculator can be used with Federal education loans (Stafford, Perkins and PLUS) and most private student loans. (This student loan calculator can also be used as an auto loan calculator or to calculate your mortgage payments.) |
Electronic Only |
Sources of Aid |
For Poor, Leap to College Often Ends in a Hard Fall |
This New York Times article discusses three students, including Angelica Gonzales, and their experience with financial aid. All three students started but were unable to complete college due to financial difficulties. |
Electronic Only |
Loans |
Borrowing Options For College |
This site provides a guide to the borrowing options available for college and which order they should be pursued in, if at all. It discusses getting federal loans, followed by Parent PLUS Loans, versus Private Loans. It provides questions to ask private lenders and what to watch out for when considering private loans. |
Electronic Only |
Loans |
Interest Rates and Federal Student Loans |
This website helps students understand how interest is calculated and the fees associated with federal student loans. |
Electronic Only |
Packages |
Financial Aid Comparison Worksheet DOC |
This tool, developed by the Options Center, allows students, families, and counselors to compare to financial aid packages side by side. It guides students and counselors through the steps of assessing a financial aid package including calculating total financial responsibility, upfront financial responsibility, and total loan burden per year. |
Workbook |
Packages |
Estimating Your Sources of Aid: The Net price Calculator DOCX |
This Document explains the net price calculator, which the federal government required all schools have on their website. The net price calculator breaks down the total cost of attendance into direct cost such as tuition and room and board, and indirect costs including books and transportation. It also provides a breakdown of estimated financial aid and student financial responsibility. |
Electronic Only |
Packages |
Financial Aid Packages Analysis Worksheet DOCX |
This worksheet provides formulas and allows students to quickly calculate need, total financial aid, gap, and net costs. |
Workbook |
Loans |
The Project on Student Debt – Class of 2013 |
This report, published by The Institute for College Access & Success, presents a detailed analysis of student debt. It includes a breakdown of debt by state, college type, and other categories. |
Electornic Only |
Scholarships |
Scholarships Friendly to Undocumented Students |
This is a list of scholarships friendly to undocumented students. |
Powerpoint |
Financial Aid Packages, Loans and Gap Powerpoint PDF |
This is the powerpoint from Financial Aid Packages, Loans and Gap |
Powerpoint |