Our Cooling Centers are open Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 8am to 4pm at 593 Columbus Ave. and 250 West 65th St.

Year-End Giving Guide: How to Donate Items

A vibrant collage of words like "community" "donate," "volunteer," "caring"and "support" forming a cloud

As the weather cools, many people start thinking about the holidays: What am I making for Thanksgiving dinner? What gifts do I get my family? Do I need to get out my warm boots?  Goddard also asks these questions, but on a much larger scale. No matter the season, we keep working with over 20,000 […]

Thanksgiving Meal Brings Community Together

Volunteers chop apples at a long table

On Thanksgiving morning, the dining room at 88th and Columbus was filled with volunteers chopping mountains of carrots and celery, cutting hundreds of slices of bread, and carving dozens of turkeys. “I always love to do this,” said Valery Bratman, who was here for the ninth time. “I think the volunteers that come here, they […]

A Bash to Remember 

Four people stand in front of a Goddard backdrop holding small signs reading I Love Goddard, I Love the Isaacs Center, Book Love and New Yorker

See photos of the Bash here! Watch the Bash video Books about two pressing issues facing New Yorkers claimed the top prizes at our annual Social Justice Never Sleeps Bash as we celebrated another year of investing in people and strengthening community.  A capacity crowd filled Monarch Rooftop, enjoying autumn breezes and a closeup view […]

“Excluded,” “Food for Hope” win our Social Justice Book Prizes

Covers of Excluded and Food for Hope with logos of the social justice book prizes

Books about two pressing issues facing low-income New Yorkers—housing and hunger—have claimed our 2023 book prizes. Food for Hope: How John van Hengel Invented Food Banks for the Hungry by Jeff Gottesfeld [Creston Books] won the Goddard Riverside CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice, while Excluded: How Snob Zoning, NIMBYism, and Class Bias Build the […]

“Dasani Helped me Solve Every Puzzle”

Andrea Elliott and Lydia Polgreen converse in chairs in front of a small audience

A chat with Invisible Child author Andrea Elliott Andrea Elliott’s close-up portrait of Dasani Coates, a girl growing up homeless in NYC, sent shock waves through the city when it first landed on the front page of the New York Times in 2013. Incoming Mayor De Blasio invited Dasani to his inauguration and vowed to do better by children like her; outgoing mayor Bloomberg defended his policies but added, “Sometimes some of us are lucky […]

Shortlists Announced for Social Justice Book Prizes

CONTACT: Trish Anderton, Director of PR, Goddard Riverside | tanderton@goddard.org | 929-249-1449 [New York City, September 19, 2023] Every year Goddard Riverside celebrates the power of the written word to create change in the name of justice for all people. The Goddard Riverside CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice and Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social […]

Nine Great Titles Shortlisted for our Social Justice Book Prizes

Book covers of the 2023 Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice shortlist

Every year we celebrate the power of the written word to create change in the name of justice for all people. The Goddard Riverside CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice and Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice shout out some of the best nonfiction writing of the year for all ages. […]